In this video, you’ll learn what many consider the best nootropics of 2017.
When you drill down to what neurohackers are taking every day, you start to see a pattern. Many biohackers working on cognitive enhancement distill their brain hacking goals into 5 defined categories.
Here you’ll learn what those 5 categories are. And which nootropics are favored that each address multiple categories of brain optimization. Making for a well-rounded nootropic stack but at an affordable price.
You’ll also learn the “7 Secrets to the Best Nootropic Stack”. For the experienced neurohacker it’s a good review. For someone new to biohacking, this will help you define and narrow your choices for the best result.
02:06 Total Brain Optimization
04:17 “7 Secrets to the Best Nootropic Stack”
08:09 Best Nootropics Supplements
09:09 Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR)
09:50 Aniracetam
10:37 Bacopa Monnieri
11:22 CDP-Choline
12:28 DHA
13:34 Lion’s Mane
14:29 N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine (NALT)
15:38 Phosphatidylserine (PS)
16:27 Pterostilbene
17:30 Rhodiola Rosea
18:59 Sulbutiamine
20:02 L-Theanine
21:31 Vinpocetine
22:30 Vitamin B Complex
24:25 Check Your Oil
25:31 Clear Path to Improved Performance
For a full transcript of this video on Best Nootropics 2017, go to
Date: October 14, 2017
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