This Yogea routine improves circulation through the Lymphatic system as it boosts the body’s self defense mechanism. It kicks off with tapping and breathing exercises to stimulate the thymus gland and lymph nodes and open the main nerve channels through which prana or life force passes to nourish the cells. A swift and fluid warm up that opens the arms and legs, groins and shoulders, head and lower back simultaneously guide students into a cardio flow. Further, backbends alternate with forward bends, standing poses morph into seated bound twists, as the pelvic and shoulder girdle open to stimulate the lymph nodes. The sequences culminates with inversions and bound backbends that promote circulation and winds down with soothing forward bends and legs up the wall. The sequence integrates tapping and breathing defense boosters with lymph-bolstering asanas that stimulate the four main physiological systems that are linked to the immune system: the circulatory, the digestive, the nervous and the endocrine system.
Date: October 27, 2017
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