Top 5 Nootropics the Elite 1% Are Taking | This Week in Biohacking EP01


Order the nootropics mentioned in this video from HIGH quality vendors below!
Aniracetam from Nootrostop : #a_aid=stevecronin (Just to let you know, this is an affiliate link!)
Sulbutiamine from Powder City: #a_aid=stevecronin (Just to let you know, this is an affiliate link!)
Choline Bitartrate from Powder City: #a_aid=stevecronin (Just to let you know, this is an affiliate link!)
Pramiracetam from Nootrostop: #a_aid=stevecronin (Just to let you know, this is an affiliate link!)
“This Week in Biohacking” Episode 1: Top 5 Nootropics the Elite 1% Are Taking
This channel and the majority of its videos explores the concepts of biohacking and the Quantified Self movement. This includes smart drug / nootropic use, biofeedback devices, brain-mind technologies, contemplative practices, diet, exercise, and the philosophical contexts surrounding them.
Nothing on this video or channel replaces medical advice from your Doctor. Anything I personally talk about is limited to my own experience. I am not a physician, I am just some guy on YouTube. I encourage everyone to follow the law and I do not condone drug abuse.

Date: October 14, 2017

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