How To Relieve Stress – The absolute best ways to reduce your stress permanently and how to avoid gimmicks that don’t work.
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Video Summary:
Up to a point, stress is an unavoidable part of living. It has become more problematic as our modern world becomes more complex and frantic. To fail to acknowledge your role in creating the stress in your life will simply amplify it. Review what choices you’ve made, and whether you want to retract any of them for the sake of reducing your stress exposure. Stress tends to be reduced once we simply accept our choice to live with the stress-inducing situation, rather than pursue some alternative action.
Positive, constructive ways to deal with stress include most notably meditation, sports, music, reading, and creative hobbies. Self-destructive, unhealthy methods for dealing with stress are easy to identify. Even innocuous-looking methods of stress relief can become a crutch that steals your quality of life and creates guilt and recrimination. Less obviously destructive diversions such as video games, the internet, and TV create a low consciousness that disengages you from your mission in life.
Proactively exam what is causing the greatest stress in your life. If you choose to “just live with it,” identify positive ways to mitigate that stress. Evaluate what negative stress reducing technique to eliminate to improve the quality of your life.
Date: October 14, 2017
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