Why do we often look to sex to build our sense of worth and value? Does sex bring us the fulfilment we are looking for? Is one’s sexuality too fragile to build an identity on? What is something more lasting and empowering and freeing than our sexuality to determine who we are?
SAM ALLBERRY is a graduate of Oxford University (theology), an editor for The Gospel Coalition, a global speaker for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), and a pastor based in Maidenhead, UK. He is the author of a number of books, including the well known Is God Anti-Gay?, Why Bother with Church, and his latest co-authored with Tim Keller called 90 Days in John 14-17. Sam speaks widely on issues of sexuality and identity. He is currently working on projects concerning singleness and the Christian understanding of the body. He is a founding editor of Living Out, a ministry for those struggling with same-sex attraction. In his spare time Sam enjoys hiking, American history, and slowly perfecting his recipe for Thai green curry.
MICHELLE TEPPER is an itinerant speaker with RZIM in the US, teaching worldwide on a number of subjects, including the problem of pain, God’s character, sex, relationships, and love.
Before moving back to home to the United States, Michelle was based in Oxford. She studied theology at the University of Oxford, was a guest lecturer at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and spoke overseas as a part of the RZIM European team. Prior to joining the RZIM staff, Michelle worked for six years as the University Chaplain for St. Aldate’s—a thriving, historic, student friendly church located in the heart of Oxford. While at Oxford, Michelle met and married her husband there. Michelle and her husband, Peter, live in Florida with their daughter, Sophia.
Date: December 14, 2017
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