Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series with Jessica Kass and Lesley FIghtmaster. Here’s a playlist with more Ashtanga classes Subscribe to Fightmaster Yoga
This class has been requested by a lot of people and we hope that you like it. It’s not intended for beginners. This class was made for intermediate and advanced yoga practitioners who want to practice a led Ashtanga Class in their own home. The method is based on the teachings of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois where the Vinyasas are counted in Sanskrit and the names of the poses are also in Sanskrit. The breath count is included as well but there isn’t much instruction on how to practice the poses as this practice is meant to be a moving meditation without many distractions. If you’re newer to Ashtanga, please start with either the 30-minute: or the 60-minute practice:
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Because we believe that yoga helps to make the world a better place.
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You need a BREAK, so join me on a retreat! The next one is in Ojai, CA August 6-9 2015 and will feature Tina from Pink Rose Healing. In addition to daily yoga classes, we’ll have a Reiki energy healing circle and an option to join a traditional Native American sweat lodge ceremony. Also mark your calendar on March 5-10 for our annual Ladies Only yoga retreat in Isla Mujares off the coast of Cancun, MX as we celebrate the Goddess within!
Do what you love and teach yoga! You can train with me this July through YogaWorks. For more inforation on any of these events, please email me: lesleyfightmaster@
WELCOME to Fightmaster Yoga, I’m Lesley Fightmaster (‘s really my last name). Before yoga, my head would never shut up! I felt anxious and uncomfortable. I stressed about the future and regretted the past. I was wound so tightly, took myself way too seriously and carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. I hardly ever laughed. Morning yoga taught me to breathe, to connect and to find space. My intention for this fitness channel is to help you quiet your mind and get comfortable in your own skin. Let go of the past and the future and get present on your mat. If you’re having a rough day, find some relief here. If you’re beating yourself up, roll out your mat, push play and know that everything’s going to be alright. We can all take ourselves a little too seriously. My free yoga videos will help you to laugh more and stress less. The Fightmaster Yoga community will love you SO MUCH that you won’t have any choice but to love yourself. Subscribe now and join the fun!
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Date: December 11, 2017
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