Full Primary Series and Full Intermediate Series with Laruga Glaser coming soon here:
About this class:
A 20 minute class suitable to anyone want to begin to explore Ashtanga Yoga starting in an easy and approachable way.
You will learn how to connect your breath with the movement and how to start moving through the Sun Salutations, ending with a short finishing postures sequence.
About Laruga:
Laruga Glaser has studied with the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, and makes annual trips to Mysore, India, to practice with his grandson R. Sharath Jois. An advanced level practitioner and student of yoga, as well as a Level 2 Authorized Teacher from KPJAYI, Laruga entered into teaching after many years of sustained practice and brings with her over 20 years total experience instructing body movement.
Filmed and edited by Alessandro Sigismondi
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About Me:
After 16 years working in the advertising market, I needed a break. Being a dedicated yoga practitioner, everything happened naturally, following the natural flow of my life and my trips around the world along with my family. That’s how I started to offer my expertise and skills in communication, videography and photography first to the yoga community, then to all the inspiring people and brands out there.
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Date: December 11, 2017
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