Ashtanga Yoga one hour intro class – Yoga with Lesley Fightmaster I had many requests for this class. Thank you to Dimple Patel, Heidi James, Emma-Lee Durrant, Anusha Yadav and Ree Lestaree. 🙂
Here is the opening chant:
Vande Gurunam Charanaravinde
Sandarshita Svatma Sukava Bodhe
Nih Sreyase Jangalikayamane
Samsara Halahala Mohashantyai
Abahu Purushakaram
Shankhacakrsi Dharinam
Sahasra Sirasam Svetam
Pranamami Patanjalim
I bow to the lotus feet of the Supreme Guru
which awaken insight into the happiness of pure Being,
which are the refuge, the jungle physician,
which eliminate the delusion caused by the poisonous herb of Samsara (conditioned existence).
I prostrate before the sage Patanjali
who has thousands of radiant, white heads (as the divine serpent, Ananta)
and who has, as far as his arms, assumed the form of a man
holding a conch shell (divine sound), a wheel (discus of light or infinite time) and a sword (discrimination).
I hope you enjoy this practice! As always, listen to your speaks to you in sensations. Your practice is your teacher. Stop if you experience pain and push the pause button to rest. Thank you for your loving support and donations! xoxoxoxo, Lesley
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Ashtanga Yoga one hour intro class.
This class was requested by several people including Dimple Patel, Heidi James, Emma-Lee Durrant, Anusha Yadav, and Ree Lestaree. Thank you so much for requesting this class.
This sequence includes about 2/3’s of the full primary series of Ashtanga. Even though it is considered an intro class, this class is still challenging and beginners may want to start with a beginner sequence first.
If you have some experience with yoga, this is a wonderful class. There isn’t much alignment instruction in the traditional Ashtanga tradition. If you are interested in making sure your alignment is correct, please visit some tutorials or other classes that focus on poses you’re interested in learning more in depth.
This practice is focused on linking breath with movement. As my teacher Diana Christianson says, “every movement has a breath” and, “this is a breath practice.” She learned to teach this method directly from the creator of this practice, Shri K. Pattahbi Jois (July 26, 1915 – May 18, 2009). Diana studied with Guruji at the Ashtanga Yoga School in Mysore.
For more information about this practice, I recommend reading “Yoga Mala: The Original Teachings of Ashtanga Yoga Master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois” Thank you so much for watching and sharing these videos! We really appreciate all of your support. Namaste and lots of love, Lesley
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WELCOME to Fightmaster Yoga, I’m Lesley Fightmaster (‘s really my last name). Before yoga, my head would never shut up! I felt anxious and uncomfortable. I stressed about the future and regretted the past. I was wound so tightly, took myself way too seriously and carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. I hardly ever laughed. Morning yoga taught me to breathe, to connect and to find space. My intention for this fitness channel is to help you quiet your mind and get comfortable in your own skin. Let go of the past and the future and get present on your mat. If you’re having a rough day, find some relief here. If you’re beating yourself up, roll out your mat, push play and know that everything’s going to be alright. We can all take ourselves a little too seriously. My free yoga videos will help you to laugh more and stress less. The Fightmaster Yoga community will love you SO MUCH that you won’t have any choice but to love yourself. Subscribe now and join the fun!
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Date: December 12, 2017
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