Hatha Yoga 1 hour full class With Fightmaster Yoga


This Hatha Yoga 1 hour class is thanks you to our Fightmaster Yoga Patreon community! For every 50 new patreon members, I’ll make a full one-hour class. This is our 5th one!!! Hatha Yoga is a term used to describe any type of yoga that includes asanas or postures. This class includes sun salutations, standing poses such as triangle (trikonasana), half moon (ardha chandrasana), twisted triangle (parivrtta trikonasana), and twisted half moon (parivrtta ardha chandrasana). This class also includes some pranayama toward the end (nadi shodhana) and a short meditation for a complete yoga experience! Enjoy, and don’t forget to join me on Patreon. xoxoxo, Lesley
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WELCOME to Fightmaster Yoga, I’m Lesley Fightmaster (‘s really my last name). Before yoga, my head would never shut up! I felt anxious and uncomfortable. I stressed about the future and regretted the past. I was wound so tightly, took myself way too seriously and carried the weight of the world on my shoulders. I hardly ever laughed. Morning yoga taught me to breathe, to connect and to find space. My intention for this fitness channel is to help you quiet your mind and get comfortable in your own skin. Let go of the past and the future and get present on your mat. If you’re having a rough day, find some relief here. If you’re beating yourself up, roll out your mat, push play and know that everything’s going to be alright. We can all take ourselves a little too seriously. My free yoga videos will help you to laugh more and stress less. The Fightmaster Yoga community will love you SO MUCH that you won’t have any choice but to love yourself. Subscribe now and join the fun!
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Date: December 11, 2017

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