Hello Starseeds!! It has been far too long since I have uploaded a new Kundalini class and I am SO grateful for all of your sweet and encouraging and supportive comments on my other video, I am AMAZED at your feedback and the reach it has had over the last year. I am so excited to share with you a new class I put together on expansion and elevation, easy and short! Enjoy!
Exercises include:
Opening chant -Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo
Breathwork primer – long deep breathing and breath of fire
Sufi grinds
Spinal flex-lower/mid/upper spine
Ego eradicator
Spinal twists
Life Nerve Stretch
Wide Legged life nerve stretch
Snaking cobra
Neck release
Camel flow
Ending Savasana
The music I believe is creative commons licensed, and I found it on Soundcloud, uploaded by Marcelo Marin “Chakra Meditation – The Heart of Reiki”
Extra special love and appreciation goes to
Synergy Organic Clothing: where I found my top
Where I found my pants.
All my love and light,
Date: December 11, 2017
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